Tube Mills
World leading roll forming technology : TOS-series Tube Mills
Since 1985, COMCO has led the heat exchanger industry in innovation and technology for light gauge tube forming. Roll forming thin gauge materials and complex cross sections are COMCO core technologies. Contact a COMCO specialist to discuss increasing productivity and efficiency for heat exchanger manufacturing.
B tubes: TOS-60B/120B
- Strip input speed : Max120m/min(120B) 60m/min(60B)
- Cut off rate : Max 300cuts/min
- For automotive, commercial, industrial HVAC heat exchangers
"O" Flat Oval Tubes: TOS-60/120
- Strip input speed : Max120m/min(120) 60m/min(60)
- Cut off rate : Max 300cuts/min
- For automotive, commercial, industrial HVAC heat exchangers
For big CAC tubes : TOS-CAC
- Strip input speed : Max 75m/min
- Cut off rate : Max 100cuts/min
- For large dimension CAC roll formed tubes
- Inner Fin Forming and Fin Insertion machines.
Special model: TOS-2P for condenser & evaporator tube
- Strip Speed Max 120m/min
- Cut Off Rate Max 300cuts/min
- Inner Fin Mills - Single System Forming and Inner Fin Insertion
Optional Devices
- Flux supply unit
- Material strip welding unit
- Dimple & free station
- In line tube measurement (width, height
- Tube Forming and Cutting Mill Collection, Traying, Bundling and Packaging Systems

Wide variety of tube design (oval clinch seam, B tube, with dimples)

Cassette type tooling design for quick tool change
Other Light Gauge Material Shapes
Replace slow press forming operations with high productivity roll forming of various special shapes with COMCO roll forming technology. Consult a COMCO specialist at COMCO locations in Asia, Europe or North America.

Folded type tube with inner turbulator (for condenser, evaporator, charged air cooler)

Compact machine design for floor space saving !!